1. Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (《编码的奥秘》)
2. Computer System: A Programmer’s Perspective (《深入理解计算机 系统》) / Windows via C/C++ (《Windows 核心编程》 / 《程序员的自我修养》 3. Code Complete 2 (《代码大全》)/ The Pragmatic Programmer (《程序员修炼之道》,我也把这本书称为《代码小全》) 4. Programming Pearls (《编程珠玑》)/ Algorithms / Algorithm Design / 《编程之美》 5. The C Programming Language 6. The C++ Programming Language / Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ / Accelerated C++ 7. The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (《计算机程序的构造和解释》) 8. Clean Code / Implementation Patterns 9. Design Patterns (《设计模式》)/ Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices 10.Refactoring (《重构》) (注:1. 以上同一条目下用 “/”隔开的表示任选,当然你也可以都读了,相信我,时间是足够的。2. 读这些书并不意味着逐字逐句从第一页读到最后一页——当然你也可以这么做。怎么是聪明高效的读法,可以参考我之前写的关于如何阅读和查找/鉴别书籍/资料的博文)